lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies

Hi everyone! today i will tell about postgraduate studies, i think that in this century it is necessary for all professionals to perfect their knowledge because at this time everything is moving very fast and in scientific careers always appear new thing so we can't stay behind.
although i'm juts in my second years to study at university, i have thinking that i would like to do in the future Diplomas, and master degree. And or course what i decide to do must be related to my area of work, now i haven't decided yet winch will be.
One of the pharmacist area that it call my attention is the clinic pharmacy so when i graduate this area still catch my attention , i hope to do postgraduate studies related of this.
I know that the University of Chile teaches master like in Biochemistry and Pharmacology , it is sound interesting so would be a second option for me. However i would like study a postgraduate in other country like Spain or Norway  because a think that professionals can contribute much to the Chilean society learning in countries with greater scientific, industrial and professional development.
About to the form of study i would like to study in a blended system with face to face classes, and distance learning because it has more flexible schedule.

5 comentarios:

  1. The Clinic Pharmacy must be very interesting but difficult

  2. i never looked the postgraduate studies like a way to stay actualized in the area. i think it is really cool to considered it like that. :)

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I would like to do a doctorate with flexible schedule

  5. i would like to study a postgraduate abroad too, but i don't know so much about it
