lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

My Favorite Food

Hello everyone! today i will write about my favorite food, for me talking about my favorite food its so hard because a love the food, specially fruits. My favorite fruits are watermelon, peach and pineapple but this fruits, i eat only in the summer because in the winter its impossible fin it.
When my mother go to supermarket  i ask if she can buy many fruit.

I have mane favorite food, like spaghetti or lasagna, in general a like the pasta. i like because i think is the best food ever and have to said that my mother prepare the best lasagna that I have eat in the life.
I have ate lasagnas in restaurants, but not in all places cook very well , the only place where i like to eat lasagna is in the Piccola Italia.

the other food that a like it is desserts, i loved it. In Fact i think that it should be legal to eat dessert after lunch. I like to eat ice cream or chocolate flan and i prefer eat it out because its more Delicious.
the last thing that a have to said is the i´m not vegetarian but i like the food vegetarian.The last year, my friend priscila invited me to eat in the medical school, and there are Foods track of vegetarian food , so I ordered a red bean burger and now is my favorite lunch and love it.
I don't know prepare my favorite food because i don't know cook, and don't wanna try, i hate the kitchen. I don´t remember when was the last time that i eat my favorites foods.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies

Hi everyone! today i will tell about postgraduate studies, i think that in this century it is necessary for all professionals to perfect their knowledge because at this time everything is moving very fast and in scientific careers always appear new thing so we can't stay behind.
although i'm juts in my second years to study at university, i have thinking that i would like to do in the future Diplomas, and master degree. And or course what i decide to do must be related to my area of work, now i haven't decided yet winch will be.
One of the pharmacist area that it call my attention is the clinic pharmacy so when i graduate this area still catch my attention , i hope to do postgraduate studies related of this.
I know that the University of Chile teaches master like in Biochemistry and Pharmacology , it is sound interesting so would be a second option for me. However i would like study a postgraduate in other country like Spain or Norway  because a think that professionals can contribute much to the Chilean society learning in countries with greater scientific, industrial and professional development.
About to the form of study i would like to study in a blended system with face to face classes, and distance learning because it has more flexible schedule.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

My Future Job

Hello, Today i write about  my future Job, when i was in the high school i want to work in many things like work in a zoo, or works in south of Chile, also i want to study Philosophy and teach it.
Now it's hard for me thing about an ideal Job, maybe because a dont want work yet.  the truth is i dont see me  myself working in the future. But if a have to chance to chosse something, i think that a chosse a work where i travel a lot and the salary be a very good. But I study Chemistry and Pharmacy, and the work area is large, so i cant work in a laboratory , in a Hospital ,in a Pharmacy, legal medical service or educational area. I love my career  but is too early to think in a job
I really like the clinical area or legal medical service area, i see myself working in this areas, i want to help the people. The other options is look for a job outside the country, i really like to know other things so work outside would be very good for me.
I dont have a major but want to study one, maybe a want to study a major and then work.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

things I hate and like about the university.

Today I write about the things that a hate and love about the university and career, starting or the University. When i visited for the first time, u think that the university was cool, i liked the green areas a lot, and the Fridays after class with my friends we stayed in the "pastures" to have a good time. But Realized that the university is small for all the students, in winter we don't have spaces for the lunch  because "anexo" it is always Full. Also the cafeteria "ricoffe" is a little expensive and i don't like the food that the sell. The other things that a don't like of the university is that we don't have lockers for all the students. But in general i think that we have a great student environment. In general a don't hate anything about my career, of course that there is things that a don't like it but there is things tiny. I hate the famous "schedule caps", the last semester a had schedule caps  and it was very tiring. the students have to take a three "general training courses " and they have to choose that they want but in this faculty all the general training courses are so boring, so i think that the possible solutions to this problem is do more general training courses fun. Personally feel that the philosophy courses are needed. However i spend a good time with my friends and laugh a lot in the university.